DIY Heavy Slip Roller

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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

Post by nalin400m »

What are you using to crank this?
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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

Post by weldor2005 »

For everyone who is asking the same question about how it is being driven. Please refer to his second post about it!

Feckless wrote:Heavy rolled pipe which I machined, about 2' long, machined flanges on each end and solid 2" shaft, I put a keyway on one end and left the shaft protrude for driving through a gearbox, to date he just uses a bar for hand rolling it. on the dxf I forgot to elongate one of the shaft holes to allow it to slide. It is a very strong machine and I plan to make one for myself.
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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

Post by nalin400m »

weldor2005 wrote:For everyone who is asking the same question about how it is being driven. Please refer to his second post about it!

Feckless wrote:Heavy rolled pipe which I machined, about 2' long, machined flanges on each end and solid 2" shaft, I put a keyway on one end and left the shaft protrude for driving through a gearbox, to date he just uses a bar for hand rolling it. on the dxf I forgot to elongate one of the shaft holes to allow it to slide. It is a very strong machine and I plan to make one for myself.
That information conflicts with what is pictured. No shafts stick out far enough to attach a gearbox, nor are any of the shafts keyed.
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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

Post by weldor2005 »

nalin400m wrote:
weldor2005 wrote:For everyone who is asking the same question about how it is being driven. Please refer to his second post about it!

Feckless wrote:Heavy rolled pipe which I machined, about 2' long, machined flanges on each end and solid 2" shaft, I put a keyway on one end and left the shaft protrude for driving through a gearbox, to date he just uses a bar for hand rolling it. on the dxf I forgot to elongate one of the shaft holes to allow it to slide. It is a very strong machine and I plan to make one for myself.
That information conflicts with what is pictured. No shafts stick out far enough to attach a gearbox, nor are any of the shafts keyed.
You will also notice that Feckless, the original poster of the dxf file didn't post any picture that would show it. It was later Greenweainie whom posted pictures of it saying that he had altered it. Maybe he didn't put the same design for drive system in when he built it from Freckless's plans.

(This is not a personal attach, but a general observation.)

Either way, I am slightly dissatisfied when I think that people whom are trying to fabricate one of these cant think about it and develop a simple drive mechanism. Take the first picture of greenweanie and on one of those extended rods, key it or put a flat on it and then hook a wheel up to it with a key or set screw.

I understand this is a sharing website, and there was a lot of foot work done here for you. You wont learn anything if you dont think about it yourself.

Sorry for the rant, I see this all too often. have a good day!
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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

Post by greenweanie »

I dont have a picture right now, but I mounted the slip roller on a stand and made a handle crank on the opposite side of the chain drive. I planned on putting an electric motor, but havent gotten around to it. I think if i was to make another handle for it, that I would make a giant wheel handle to rotate the rollers. I haven't really done much with it since I built it, other than roll some fire rings. It works ok for that purpose, but it slips sometimes. I want to make a different design, where there are 2 rollers on top of each other, that pinch the material. and a roller on the backside to adjust for the radius of the roll.
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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

Post by nalin400m »

weldor2005 wrote: I understand this is a sharing website, and there was a lot of foot work done here for you. You wont learn anything if you dont think about it yourself.

Sorry for the rant, I see this all too often. have a good day!

We're on the same page -- I design stuff all day every day for a living. I also know how a slip roll works.

The mechanism that drives the roller can be done one of many ways and if this design was built around a gearbox being attached I would like to see what the author had in mind before reinventing the wheel. It'd be too easy to extend the shaft and weld and handle on...that's not what it was designed for though. It would be nice to know what, if any, forethought is incorporated into this design to accommodate a gearbox attachment.

I think we all get how a handle can be attached to make it work:

I'm not asking for a schematic and part numbers...I'd just like to see what the original creator designed this around.

More examples:
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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

Post by homemadetools »

Jon here from
I know this thread is an old one, but thanks for the mention :)
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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

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Hey guys - we have a new ebook out: How to Make a Belt Sander. 100% free of course. Click below to check it out:
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Re: DIY Heavy Slip Roller

Post by david jordan »

Thank you.
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