Anybody do routering with their table?

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Anybody do routering with their table?

Post by Scratch »

I have a friend in Florida who makes holsters from Kydex. He's starting to make some other stuff with kydex and is looking for someone to work with. It will be cutting/scoring sheets of .06 kydex. It sounds like it'll be a steady contract with 255 pieces to start with. My friend lives in Florida, but I think the company he's working with is in Canada.

Let me know if you're interested.
I think I'm the oldest 10 year old boy on the forum...
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ben de lappe
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Re: Anybody do routering with their table?

Post by ben de lappe »

My name is Ben and I own a torchmate 5'x10' plasma table also set up for router. I posted a picture and Bob-Cad file under deer welcome. I would be greatly interested in discussing and hopefully picking up a contract like this. I hope that I am not too late!. I am a veteran who happens to be disabled (not combat wounded) who enjoys programming in 2D and 3d. Getting out to my shop helps keep me moving. I was trained and educated in the Air Force as an aircraft metals technologist. I am very familiar with X, Y, and Z axis work. Thanks and look foward to hearing from you soon.
Ben De Lappe.
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Re: Anybody do routering with their table?

Post by sparkgirlcnc »

Just wanted to add that I also have a dual table. 6' x 12' bed, plasma & router. Hypertherm Powermax 1000 or Porter Cable 3.25hp Router with adapters for teensy tiny detail engraving too. I also do both vector cutting and raster engraving with my 60watt C02 laser table. (CO2 won't cut any metal, just marks it, but will cut or engrave most anything else except PVC, even glass, stone) The laserable area is 36"x24" but the front is removable for pieces longer than 24", and I have a rotary attachment for laser too. I do 2D and 3D (2.5D actually, 3axis, not 5) work, everything from industrial to decorative. I'm waaaay up in the U.P. of Michigan, but I do get to Green Bay, WI often. I really enjoy doing all the 'putzy' stuff on the computer as far as designing, such as raster to vector conversions, cut path designs, digital photo retouching, improving, and altering, adapting large vector patterns to allow for plasma cutting in smaller dimensions, and other various custom design work. I've never "farmed myself out" yet for design work, but I am open to doing so. Working on setting up a website, but honestly, I've been fortunate to keep pretty busy for years now with just word-of-mouth advertising. PM me or post if you want to discuss any possible collaboration work or if I may assist you somehow. ~SparkGirl
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