Powermax600 settings for 14 ga.

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Powermax600 settings for 14 ga.

Post by jCogan »

Apologies in advance for any stupid or newbie mistakes. I’ve tried to do as much research as I could on this all in advance for finding the right settings for my machine, the steel I’m cutting, etc.

I’m having some issues with cut quality, especially with dross on the back and was wondering if someone could clear up if my settings are in the right ballpark or what the issue may be.

These are my specs:

Hypertherm Powermax600

110 psi from air compressor
78 psi in Hypertherm
35 amps

40 amp consumables

14 ga. cold rolled, mild steel

Cut height: .0625 in
Pierce height: .125 in
Pierce delay: .25 secs
Cut speed: 160 ipm
Kerf: 0.0591 in

I’m using Sheetcam and Mach3 for cutting. Here are a couple pictures of the back of a piece I cut and one of the front.

Thanks in advance!
Another shot of the back.
Another shot of the back.
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Re: Powermax600 settings for 14 ga.

Post by weldguy »

Looking at he dross I would say your traveling too slow. Also looks like your cut height is too high.

Do some straight line test cuts with THC off and cut height set manually to .060" and slowly increase your speed until your going too fast and no longer cutting through then back the speed off a little.

Once you find the best speed showing minimal dross turn the THC back on and find the arc voltage value that maintains a .060" cut height using your straight line and pausing the machine mid-cut to measure with feeler gauge. Adjust arc voltage if needed and cut a couple more inches, pause again and re-measure cut height. Dial it in this way and see if you get better results.

Also is your air clean and dry? Im sure are using a filter of some kind but that doesn't mean your air is clean and dry. If you ave carbon deposits inside your nozzle (black/gray stains) your air is dirty or moist and needs further filtration.
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